Wednesday 22 January 2014

Jan 22

Most of the things have gone well in this course so far. We have been studying so called 'object-oriented programming' and the new concept 'stack' was just introduced last week. To be honest, it seemed like a complicated idea initially until after the weekly lab where we did some exercises on making stacks and queues. From my understanding, stack is just an application or form of 'Class' and we use this as one of the tools to store information, just like 'queue'. But the difference between stack and other method like queues exists in their efficiency, as the run time for stack stays constant regardless of the size of the stack while the run time for queue grows linearly with the increase of size, from the discussion we had during the lab. 

Anyway, that was my rough understanding on stack and hopefully I will be able to learn more as the lecture goes. However, there is something else I really want to talk about here: the professor. 

Lets be honest. The experience in the night section class was not too good. In fact, as was said in the emails of some of my classmates, it was terrible. The professor does't seem to be very organized or well-prepared. Personally, a lot of times I had trouble trying to follow him. 'Hmmm... Ummm...' was the most thing I heard during a lecture and his thoughts were jumping everywhere. He might be talking about stacks at one moment and the next minute he might be jumping onto another idea that just occurred to him and then he even elaborated on that! At the end of day, time was wasted. He did not finish what he was supposed to teach and we did not get much out of the lecture. Here I am not saying that he's not a good researcher or programmer, but it's just that he does not seem to be well adapted to the teaching atmosphere. 

Anyway, enough butt hurt of that. I guess I will have to try the other sections as was heard from a friend 'Danny heap is a much better prof.' Or just hope this professor can get better. 

Cheers. Time for the lecture.